Jumat, 28 Maret 2014

Puisi "Malaikat Tak Bersayap"

“Malaikat Tak Bersayap
Karya: Syahrusfarabi

Dimana Dirimu
Oh.. Malaikat Ku
                                                              Ku Cari Di Penghujung Dunia
Ku Cari Di Luas Semesta
                                 Ku Cari Manusia, Tak Satupun Yang Bersayap
                               Ku Pandangi Cahaya, Surya Yang Benderang

Hari-Hari Ku, Selalu Menunggumu
Sampai Kau Hadir Untukku
Hingga Saat Aku Berpaling

                 Kulihat Bayang Bentang Sayapmu
          Kulihat Cahaya Suci Kasihmu
Kupandangi Wajahmu
                  Dan Ku Tahu, Kaulah Malaikat Ku
Tiada Hari Tanpa Kasihmu
Tiada Hari Tanpa Cintamu
Yang Takkan Terbalas Olehku
Kaulah Malaikatku
     Walau Tak Benderang
     Kau Lah Malaikat Ku
    Walau Tak Bersayap
                                                  Kaulah Malaikatku, Dan Salau Menjadi Malaikatku
                   Ibuku, Malaikat Tak Bersayap

"Saya Harap Karya Tulis Ini Tidak Di curi ( Copy, Copast, Di Perjual Belikan). Sebagai Sesama Bloger Kita Tahu Bagaimana Proses Pembuatan Pebuah Artikel, Saya Harap Semua Bloger Dapat Mengharagi Karya Sesama Bloger Ataupun Orang Lain"

"Blogmu Akan Lebih Indah Jika Itu Murni Karya Tangan Mu"

Puisi "Lukisan"

Karya: Syahrusfarabi

Seperti Plangi Di Langit Biru
Bagaikan Bunga Di Taman Cinta
Begitu Manis Dirimu
Begitu Manis Kesan Mu

Damai Hati Memandang Mu
          Coretan-Coretan Bermakna Dalam
    Plangi-Plangi Di Dalam Kanvas
           Segera Keluh Kesah Sirna Menjauh

Ku Memandang Keindahanmu
Warna Cerah Indah Di Mata
Dirimu Begitu Nyata
Oh… Lukisan

Kau Adalah Keabadian

"Saya Harap Karya Tulis Ini Tidak Di curi ( Copy, Copast, Di Perjual Belikan). Sebagai Sesama Bloger Kita Tahu Bagaimana Proses Pembuatan Pebuah Artikel, Saya Harap Semua Bloger Dapat Mengharagi Karya Sesama Bloger Ataupun Orang Lain"

"Blogmu Akan Lebih Indah Jika Itu Murni Karya Tangan Mu"

Kamis, 27 Maret 2014

Pidato Bahasa Inggris "the importance of plants for us and our obligation to take care of"

Good Morning
The Honorable Judges
The Honorable Teacher
The Hororable The Audience
Before I give a speech, let us praise and thanksgiving to God Almighty who has given us the blessing and mercies, and health both physically and spiritually, so that we can gathered together in this place
And I would like to say thank you very much for the judges who has given an opportunity to deliver this speech

first, I will introduce myself, my name syahrusfarabi, I’m from senior high school 1 Kelapa, is a great honor for me to stand here and give a speech about “the importance of plants for us and our obligation to take care of”.

The audience
In biology, Plants are living organisms belonging to the kingdom Plantae. characteristics that are easily recognized in plants is the dominant green color because they contain chlorophyll pigments. plants in general are autotrophs. therefore the plant is a producer of any food chain. The question is what is the importance of plants for us and what our obligations to plants?

The audience
We all know that plants are very many benefits for us,as staple food and vegetables, large logs are used as materials for building, fruits as vitamins, some types of plants used for medicine. Trees known as the lungs of the world, always providing fresh air supply for us. from these statements, our obligation is to preserve the plants for the interest of all organism on Earth, including humans.

The audience
So many benefits of plants for us, but, we all know that the number of plants on the wane, due to the destruction of nature by irresponsible human. Because of the damage,will cause a lot of floods, landslides, air pollution, hard to find fresh air, and others .
And to overcome this damage, many measures and effrots made, such as planting a thousand trees, reforestation, and others.

but, the audience
the measures and efforts will be difficult to achieve, if only a few people care. This problem which must be addressed, because of this I would like to invite you to be more care about nature, increase awareness of the importance of plants for us, as a human, we should be able to be responsible for its obligations, so we ought to care about the preservation of nature. For a better future
Together we can do it

I think that’s all my speech
I hope can inspire us to more love nature and care about the preservation of them
Finally, I would like to say sorry if there are mistakes in my speech words.

At the last I say Thank you very much for your attention.

"Saya Harap Karya Tulis Ini Tidak Di curi ( Copy, Copast, Di Perjual Belikan). Sebagai Sesama Bloger Kita Tahu Bagaimana Proses Pembuatan Pebuah Artikel, Saya Harap Semua Bloger Dapat Mengharagi Karya Sesama Bloger Ataupun Orang Lain"

"Blogmu Akan Lebih Indah Jika Itu Murni Karya Tangan Mu"